EVO: EVent Ontology
EVO aims to propose a model to represent historical events and a tool to encode them using the W3C standards for publishing data on the Semantic Web. The model defines events in relation to agents, locations, time, cause and consequence and aligns with CIDOC-CRM, the authoritative upper ontology for the domain of cultural heritage, which, in fact, is far too complex to use and not entirely suited for the representation of historical events. The objective was to propose a tool-assisted method on how to organize and represent this important domain. To achieve this, we combined insights from terminology work as defined by the latest version of ISO 1087 and A.I. models of representing descriptive knowledge concerning the objects of the domain. Our contention is that this novel approach has a lot to offer to diverse communities of scholars and practitioners in Digital Humanities and Ontology Engineering in need of tool to publish the term in a particular domain both as human-readable ontology-based dictionaries and machine-tractable Semantic web compliant ontologies.
EVO is an ontoterminology, i.e. a terminology whose conceptual system is an ontology. It was built using TEDI, a software environment for building multilingual ontoterminologies.
• Download the Ontoterminology in OWL format
• Download the Ontoterminology in OWL format